Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Never Leave Home Without.... A Map

Are hiking trails generally well signed? 
Most of the time. 
Is it still easy to get lost? No. You really do have to work at it.
Can you get "turned around?" Most definitely. 
And, to quote an old Yankee aphorism, you especially don't want to get "some turned around.

Ideally, you'd like to know where you are at all times. It is also helpful and interesting to know where you are  in relation to other landmarks, and what those landmarks are. Let's say you're on the top of a mountain admiring the view, and would like to know what that cool ledge/mountain/pond/fill-in-the-blank is. A good map can provide all this information and more. As long as you have it with you.

I always keep my map handy during the hike. It stays in my hipbelt  or Osprey Grab Bag pocket. When I want to know what hills, grades, switchbacks or landmarks I should be coming up on, I pull it out and take a quick look.

The Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) produces some especially nice, helpful and attractive maps.The newer ones almost provide TOO MUCH information, if you're "old school." Having the mileage provided between points is almost like cheating.You can even get them in Tyvek, which are waterproof and last a long time. The word, "indestructible" comes to mind. 

To make full use of your map, you really should have a good compass (future post). Together these will give you 99% of the information you need to "stay found." Added bonus: does not require batteries.

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